Fees: There is a nonrefundable $25 registration fee per family each time you enroll. This covers your liability while on the school premises & some basic administrative costs. Tuition is $150 per month for 30-minute lessons, and $300 per month for 60-minute lessons. Payment is due on the first day of the month. If a student starts in the middle of a month, the remaining lessons are prorated. Tuition is never prorated for missed lessons and does not cover any teaching materials such as books or instruments.
Average of 4 Lessons Per Month: Our calendar is designed to have an even number of 48 lessons per year, no matter which day of the week you choose. Most months you will have 4 lessons, sometimes 5, and sometimes 3 lessons - due to holidays. Monthly tuition stays the same. We do not charge you more when you have 5 lessons, or less when you have 3. This makes everyone’s accounting easier.
Lesson Time/Day Changes: If you need to change your lessons due to other commitments (going on with sports or other activities/interests) as always, we will try our best to accommodate you and find another time that works.
Summer Lessons: FMS operates year-round & does not close during the summer. With consideration to extra summer travel plans, between the months of May & August, we will offer 2 make-ups per month compared to our regular 1 make-up per month policy & can be scheduled before or after your scheduled travel time. Payments are still due on the first of each month to reserve your lesson space.
Spring Break: We are aware that the spring break vacation does not coincide with all schools. If your spring break does not coincide with Forté’s spring break, we will find a solution so you do not end up at loss.
Snow Days: Forté will only close on Snow Emergency Level 3. If that happens, we will make sure to post on our web site, social media, as well as send notifications via emails & texts. In order to make up the entire day that was missed, we try to open on the exact same day/time that the lesson was missed, during a scheduled break. Online Lessons are always a great alternative.
Suspend or Refuse Service: Missing 2 weeks in a row without notice and communication can be subject to removal from the schedule & interruption of the Auto-Pay. Furthermore, FMS reserves the right to withhold services from any current / prospective clients at any time.
Payments: All registered students are required to enroll in our monthly auto-billing. This is a safe, secure, and convenient way to pay ongoing fees while enrolled at the school. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. We will automatically bill your card on the 1st day of every month. Our automated system will attempt to process the payment daily, for the first 7 days of the month. If the payment is still not successful after the 7th day, on the 8th day the charge will be placed on your virtual account with us, creating a negative balance that will need to be paid before your first lesson of the month. If payment is not received by the 2nd lesson of the month, you are subject to being removed from the schedule and losing your lesson spot.
Extra Charges: We will always make sure to ask and get your approval before we make extra charges on your card. In the event a student needs to move on to the next level music book, or needs a certain accessory, with your approval, and for your convenience, we can place those charges to the card we have on file.
Late Fee: In case the card on file is declined, we have a late payment fee policy of $20. If payment is not received within the first week of the month it is considered late and the fee will automatically be applied. It is the student’s/parent’s responsibility to ensure we have a current credit card on file for the auto billing.
Discontinuing Lessons: To discontinue lessons and to discontinue charges to your account, please fill out the withdrawal form before the 15th of your last month. The front desk needs to be notified directly, rather than the teacher--this allows less room for miscommunication, as the front desk handles billing. We do not prorate tuition for the last month’s lessons. Students will be responsible for their last month’s tuition whether they choose to attend lessons or not.
Absences & Make-Up Lessons: FMS Make-Up Policy is extremely generous compared to other schools. Most schools only allow ONE make-up lesson per YEAR! With proper notice we allow 1 make-up lesson per month. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule a make-up lesson with the teacher. Make-up lessons must be completed within 30 days of absence. If make-ups are not completed within 30 days of absence, they will be lost. Make-up lessons can be used for lessons with other teachers or other instruments. They will only be granted to current students paying regular tuition, and they cannot be accumulated in exchange for monthly tuition. There are no credits or refunds given for missed lessons. Considerations for illnesses, extenuating circumstances etc. will be reviewed on an individual basis.
Teacher Absences: Please keep in mind that teachers might have occasional conflicts due to professional commitments or performances. FMS will make every attempt to have in place another teacher on your regular lesson day, or the regular teacher will make arrangements to do a pre or post make-up with each student. We will do our best to notify students in advance if another teacher will cover for your regular teacher, but we cannot guarantee, especially if something comes up at the last minute. Choosing to not attend lessons when another teacher covers for your regular teacher will not qualify for a makeup. If another teacher is unavailable for your regular lesson time, a private makeup lesson with your regular teacher will be scheduled promptly.
Student Absences: We Love Our Teachers! Please be respectful and considerate to your teacher when cancelling or rescheduling lessons and give as much notice as possible. This will show respect and help retain the best teachers in the area! Good habits will give teachers more time to fit in make up lessons for other students that need make ups, just like you will need makeups as well.
1. Proper Notice is considered at least 24 hours. This will qualify for a Make-up lesson. Please limit to 1 make-up lesson per month, to be completed within 30 days of absence, and can be used for lessons with other teachers or other instruments.
2. Make-Up Lessons cannot be cancelled or rescheduled. Once a make-up lesson has been scheduled, no additional make-up lesson will be offered if students cancel or do not show for any reason.
3. Last Minute Notice: Of course, things come up at the last minute, so here are your options if less than 24 hours before your lesson:
Online Lessons are always a great alternative instead of missing completely. Please get in touch with us or your teacher to set it up.
Send a Family Member or Friend instead, that way the lesson is not lost. It is particularly a good idea for a parent to sometime take lessons, that way parents can better understand the format of the lessons, and better assist students with practicing at home.
4. Late Notice or No Call / No Show will unfortunately not qualify for a make-up lesson.
Average of 4 Lessons Per Month: Our calendar is designed to have an even number of 48 lessons per year, no matter which day of the week you choose. Most months you will have 4 lessons, sometimes 5, and sometimes 3 lessons - due to holidays. Monthly tuition stays the same. We do not charge you more when you have 5 lessons, or less when you have 3. This makes everyone’s accounting easier.
Lesson Time/Day Changes: If you need to change your lessons due to other commitments (going on with sports or other activities/interests) as always, we will try our best to accommodate you and find another time that works.
Summer Lessons: FMS operates year-round & does not close during the summer. With consideration to extra summer travel plans, between the months of May & August, we will offer 2 make-ups per month compared to our regular 1 make-up per month policy & can be scheduled before or after your scheduled travel time. Payments are still due on the first of each month to reserve your lesson space.
Spring Break: We are aware that the spring break vacation does not coincide with all schools. If your spring break does not coincide with Forté’s spring break, we will find a solution so you do not end up at loss.
Snow Days: Forté will only close on Snow Emergency Level 3. If that happens, we will make sure to post on our web site, social media, as well as send notifications via emails & texts. In order to make up the entire day that was missed, we try to open on the exact same day/time that the lesson was missed, during a scheduled break. Online Lessons are always a great alternative.
Suspend or Refuse Service: Missing 2 weeks in a row without notice and communication can be subject to removal from the schedule & interruption of the Auto-Pay. Furthermore, FMS reserves the right to withhold services from any current / prospective clients at any time.
Payments: All registered students are required to enroll in our monthly auto-billing. This is a safe, secure, and convenient way to pay ongoing fees while enrolled at the school. We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express. We will automatically bill your card on the 1st day of every month. Our automated system will attempt to process the payment daily, for the first 7 days of the month. If the payment is still not successful after the 7th day, on the 8th day the charge will be placed on your virtual account with us, creating a negative balance that will need to be paid before your first lesson of the month. If payment is not received by the 2nd lesson of the month, you are subject to being removed from the schedule and losing your lesson spot.
Extra Charges: We will always make sure to ask and get your approval before we make extra charges on your card. In the event a student needs to move on to the next level music book, or needs a certain accessory, with your approval, and for your convenience, we can place those charges to the card we have on file.
Late Fee: In case the card on file is declined, we have a late payment fee policy of $20. If payment is not received within the first week of the month it is considered late and the fee will automatically be applied. It is the student’s/parent’s responsibility to ensure we have a current credit card on file for the auto billing.
Discontinuing Lessons: To discontinue lessons and to discontinue charges to your account, please fill out the withdrawal form before the 15th of your last month. The front desk needs to be notified directly, rather than the teacher--this allows less room for miscommunication, as the front desk handles billing. We do not prorate tuition for the last month’s lessons. Students will be responsible for their last month’s tuition whether they choose to attend lessons or not.
Absences & Make-Up Lessons: FMS Make-Up Policy is extremely generous compared to other schools. Most schools only allow ONE make-up lesson per YEAR! With proper notice we allow 1 make-up lesson per month. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule a make-up lesson with the teacher. Make-up lessons must be completed within 30 days of absence. If make-ups are not completed within 30 days of absence, they will be lost. Make-up lessons can be used for lessons with other teachers or other instruments. They will only be granted to current students paying regular tuition, and they cannot be accumulated in exchange for monthly tuition. There are no credits or refunds given for missed lessons. Considerations for illnesses, extenuating circumstances etc. will be reviewed on an individual basis.
Teacher Absences: Please keep in mind that teachers might have occasional conflicts due to professional commitments or performances. FMS will make every attempt to have in place another teacher on your regular lesson day, or the regular teacher will make arrangements to do a pre or post make-up with each student. We will do our best to notify students in advance if another teacher will cover for your regular teacher, but we cannot guarantee, especially if something comes up at the last minute. Choosing to not attend lessons when another teacher covers for your regular teacher will not qualify for a makeup. If another teacher is unavailable for your regular lesson time, a private makeup lesson with your regular teacher will be scheduled promptly.
Student Absences: We Love Our Teachers! Please be respectful and considerate to your teacher when cancelling or rescheduling lessons and give as much notice as possible. This will show respect and help retain the best teachers in the area! Good habits will give teachers more time to fit in make up lessons for other students that need make ups, just like you will need makeups as well.
1. Proper Notice is considered at least 24 hours. This will qualify for a Make-up lesson. Please limit to 1 make-up lesson per month, to be completed within 30 days of absence, and can be used for lessons with other teachers or other instruments.
2. Make-Up Lessons cannot be cancelled or rescheduled. Once a make-up lesson has been scheduled, no additional make-up lesson will be offered if students cancel or do not show for any reason.
3. Last Minute Notice: Of course, things come up at the last minute, so here are your options if less than 24 hours before your lesson:
Online Lessons are always a great alternative instead of missing completely. Please get in touch with us or your teacher to set it up.
Send a Family Member or Friend instead, that way the lesson is not lost. It is particularly a good idea for a parent to sometime take lessons, that way parents can better understand the format of the lessons, and better assist students with practicing at home.
4. Late Notice or No Call / No Show will unfortunately not qualify for a make-up lesson.